Happy New Year!
“I’m reading Ray and Milly’s book, “Think Harmony with Horses.” I read it several years ago, but not sure I appreciated it as much then as I do now. There is a line in there, “You have to have a lot of patience, and remember you’ll be working on yourself, not on the horse.”This book is a gem. I was told this summer that I need to get my heart right with my mare, Moon. She is a challenge, and I do get frustrated with her – she most likely gets just as frustrated with me. There is always something to work on to improve life and horsemanship.
~ Deb, Via email

While I replied to Deb, this could apply to all of us in the coming year:
“The problem with learning, doesn’t matter if it’s from books, videos, clinics or lessons, you only take in what you’re ready for at that moment. If you were ready years ago you wouldn’t say, “ I wish I’d known this back when “, and if your not ready it doesn’t matter how much you read it, how many times you watch the video, how many times you hear it, if it doesn’t line up with where you’re at it’s not going to help. But, if you remember that information, sooner or later the missing experience with your horse will happen and it’s like getting hit with a brick, it’s right there, how could you miss it.
That’s why if you go back through your books and video library, your notes, or try to rethink through that experience, you might find that you have the experience now that was lacking earlier” ~ Martin Black