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Thanks for your email, Travis!
“Hello, I’m a 45-year-old rancher and ex-cowboy. I’ve taken two of your clinics over the years, and recently acquired your book “Cowhorse Confidence.” I wanted to let you know I read the part in the book about where to shift your weight when asking the horse to make certain moves, and have found this really very helpful.
You also mentioned this at a clinic and I have been working on it with a young horse of mine and some older ones too. I wish I had understood this better right from when I was a teenager, as it would have saved me a lot of frustration and made my life around horses much more rewarding.
Another big thing I am finally understanding is how little pressure it takes to get horses or cattle to respond. But the key of course, is that I must wait for the response and then give relief. All of the problems and wrecks that I have had over the years were caused by me being in too much of a hurry.
Also a person’s ego gets in the way of truly trying to understand livestock behavior. These things have been and still are what I struggle with most. May I suggest that I suspect there are many others that struggle with these very basic things as well.
In closing let me say “Cowhorse Confidence” is a very helpful book. It is easy to read and understand, and covers a lot of ground in less than 200 pages.
Thanks for the help.
Travis Portz”