November 18-20, 2016

Evidence-Based Horsemanship Presentation – Mancos, Colorado.

Follow this link to sign up now!

February 10-12, 2017

Evidence-Based Horsemanship Presentation – Heber City, Utah

Click here to learn more!


ehb-2Renowned Horseman, Martin Black and Dr. Stephen Peters, Neuroscientist will conduct Educational Seminars throughout the year based on the book Evidence-Based Horsemanship. These Educational Seminars are designed to give Equine Enthusiasts of all disciplines a unique learning experience that is valid for all horses and any breed. Evidence-Based Horsemanship combines science and the understanding of brain function with an empirical understanding of the subtleties of a horse’s behaviors, reactions, and chemical states. This is an excellent opportunity to explore and deepen your understanding of horses from two distinguished professionals with decades of experience in their respective fields.

These Educational Seminars are an interactive learning approach which will combine science and empirical observation through classroom, multi-media presentations, discussion, demonstration and observations of horses, and horse brain dissection.

Who: Horseman Martin Black and neuroscientist Dr. Steve Peters, co-authors of the popular book, Evidence-Based Horsemanship, offer a three-day, intensive and interactive course on Evidence-Based Horsemanship.

What: Morning sessions – Peters and Black will conduct presentations.

Topics include but not limited to:
• Horse brain structure and development
• Neurochemistry
• Neuroanatomy
• Horse behavior as it relates to brain function
• Proper training and management when considering the horse in its optimal setting.
Presentations will include audio-visual elements, brain dissection, and question & answer sessions. Additional time allocated for post-presentation discussions.

Afternoon sessions – include but not limited to:
• Participants will observe and identify relevant horse behaviors, actions, reactions, and patterns through Black’s round pen work.
• Black and Peters will focus particularly on horses new to training and human contact.
• Round pen work will introduce techniques and approaches directly related to and reinforced by morning sessions.
• Participants will observe demonstrations and learn directly through Black’s hands-on work using evidence-based methods (May include audience participation).

ebh-1What People are saying about Evidence-Based Horsemanship…

“This book filled in many gaps. Other sources about natural horsemanship do not make the connection between equine psychology and the actual physical/biological make- up of horses. This book provided the rationale and linked theory to practice in a way no other sources has done as effectively. Thank you! ”

“I really appreciate the dual approach to the book. One part talking about the physiology and then talking about the training/hands on. Very useful. I appreciate understanding how the brain functions and how you relate it in the book to how people then interpret what they are seeing. Really sheds light on how we anthropomorphize animals.”

“I found it very different from anything else I’ve read in that there was greater depth into areas commonly taken for granted in horse training. The term EBH now means more to me than just the title of a book. We should understand WHY we work with horses in a certain manner and not just HOW to work with them.”