Martin teaching Parelli Students in Florida
Kim Stone2021-04-30T04:19:17-06:00Each February I travel to Florida for Semi-private horsemanship [...]
Synchronizing foot fall with a student
Kim Stone2021-04-30T04:19:55-06:00Martin synchronizing with a student, to move a quarter turn [...]
Traditional California Bit Weights
Emily Thomas2023-04-03T19:22:35-06:00Concerned about bridle bit weights? Here are my two cents. [...]
Ride with Martin Black AND Joe Wolter in One Clinic
Martin Black2023-05-03T14:23:03-06:00The 3rd Annual Great Basin Buckaroo Gathering is coming to [...]
Horsemen’s Re-Union 2014 is a wrap
Martin Black2021-04-30T04:29:45-06:00The Third Annual Horsemen's Re-Union is now in the books. This year, [...]