Kangaroo-Rawhide 5/8″ Hackamore with rawhide core — 16 plait with 32 plait noseband.
This hackamore can be used with a 3/4″, 5/8″ or 1/2″ mane hair mecate, depending on your personal preference.
Martin Black is very particular about how his gear functions, the hackamore hanger plays a large role in that. Every hackamore comes with a hand-braided hackamore hanger, made to Martin’s specifications.
Leather used may not match hackamore color. Hackamores can be purchased without a hanger upon request.
Directions for measuring the best hackamore fit: https://martinblack.net/on-the-road-with-martin-black/getting-the-right-hackamore.html
Small – Measures 6” x 10.5″ – This hackamore is for a small-headed horse, such as an Arabian or fine-boned QH. If your horse/pony is under 900 lbs and wears a small size halter; this hackamore is for you.
Regular – Measures 6″ x 11″ – This hackamore is one size fits most. If your horse is between 900 and 1300 lbs and wears a regular size halter; this hackamore is for you.
Large – Measures 6” x 11.5” – This hackamore is for a large-headed horse, such as a draft horse or large Warmblood. If your horse is over 1300 lbs and wears a large size halter; this hackamore is for you.