• Dale Jeffrey joined  Martin Black in February of 2022.  It was important for Martin to spend time with Dale early in the year, even though the broadcast was not scheduled until November of 2022.
     Martin Black and his guest Dale Jeffrey bring you on a guided tour of the Equine Dental Facility that Dale started - along the way you will have a lesson on horse skulls, watch students working on horses in the school; You will be able to see the old dental tools of the trade and the tools that are currently made (and most likely are the ones your equine dentist uses) on your horses and the leather shop.
    Enjoy this 2 hour and 40 minute pre-recorded virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  •   Martin Black - Cow Working
    Originally aired on September 27,2022
    Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  •   Martin Black - Discusses The Hackamore, Two Rein and The Bridle
    Originally aired on January  11,2022
    Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Doug Jordan joined  Martin Black on September 13, 2022
     Martin Black and his guest Doug Jordan discussed "Starting from where the horse is..." Doug Jordan and I met in the late 90s while I was starting colts in California and he was visiting Tom Dorrance. Being a open finalist several times in the NCHA Futurity Doug was well known in the cutting horse circles.At that first meeting Doug asked me if I would come to Texas to start colts and with that my contract colt starting career and a long friendship began. He was interested in my colt starting but I was very interested in his subtle way of communicating with his cutting horses. Not only did Doug have a successful record in the show pen but what impressed me was his ability to apply Tom’s principles to his cutting horses. Of all the people I know and have worked around, and including myself, Doug Jordan has a better understanding of applying Tom Dorrance’s principles to a working horse more than anyone. "The industry just does things over and over again hoping the horse will remember what it is they are showing them.  And they don't realize that a horse is capable of thinking, felling, and making decisions." ~ Doug Jordan
      Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Lester Buckley  joined  Martin Black on March 29, 2022
    An unforgettable Trip Around the World with Lester and Martin.  This virtual session is full of imagery, stories and cultural horsemanship from places that both Lester and Martin have spent time teaching and learning about horsemanship all around the globe.
      Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Wade Black joined  Martin Black on August 16, 2022
    Join Martin and his son Wade as they talk about the importance of teaching the next generation.
      Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Richard Winters and Sarah Dawson joined Martin Black on March 15, 2022
    A fun visit with Richard Winters and his daughter, Sarah Dawson, as they share with Martin how they prepare horses for working daily on the ranch and how this helps their horses in the show pen.  Sarah Dawson has earned her title as a "Million Dollar Rider"
      Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Trevor Carter joined Martin Black on July 12, 2022
    A former student of Martin's and how Trevor went on to become successful with starting horses taking them all the way to the show pen.
      Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Joe Wolter  joined Martin Black on October 11, 2022
      Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Pete Butler joined Martin Black on April 12, 2022
    Please join Martin Black and his guest Pete Butler as they bring us information regarding the importance of Horsemanship in Horseshoeing. Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
  • Frank Barnett joined Martin Black on February 8, 2022
    When Martin first meet Frank he wasn’t impressed by his horses. Frank always had some tough horses that were for the most part really bothered. But Frank had that dry cowboy sense of humor that brought Martin back for more visits. It wasn’t long before Martin realized that these nasty horses Frank was working were getting better. Frank wasn’t training these horses, he was setting them up to figure out things for themselves. They were given bad information by previous riders before Frank got them in his program. He was doing things that Martin hadn’t seen done before and having success bringing these horses around that many of “professionals” had failed with. Frank is also a walking encyclopedia when it comes to biomechanics of the horse, and everything written by the military and dressage Masters, or any other worthwhile books written on horses. Join these two lifelong horse scientists as they share with each other, and you, on how it all comes together for the horse.
    They have been featured together in  Western Horseman, December 2019 read more here 
    Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  •  Martin Black Tips and Tricks aired on June 28,2022
    Efficiency and safety. Those are the driving factors that separate a lot of the little things I want to share with people from what I see other people blunder through. When I see a practice that takes longer to get to the same place, or with more risk, I try to analyze if there could be a more efficient safer way of doing things. There’s a lot of things, to me that are elementary horsemanship that I was taught as a child and yet I see people that have been around livestock a lot that still don’t operate in the way I’m talking about. It’s not about being fast necessarily, efficiency is about not wasting time or effort while doing something. Being around livestock is risky, but it can be calculated risk. And I like to minimize the risk to me, the livestock, and the people around me, and these are the things I would like to share.
    Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Dan James joined  Martin Black  on August 30,2022
    Is it a TRICK or MANEUVER? They will be sharing and discussing the following: 1. Teaching, introducing the maneuver or trick 2.The mechanics of the process of teaching 3. The Refinement of a cue 4. Transferring the cue 5. Reinforcement of the cue Common Tricks/Maneuvers - Laying down, The Spin, The Stop, The Rear, A Spanish Walk How do horses learn these cues from other horses?  Can they?
    Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Please join Martin Black and his guest Bobby Ingersoll aired on May 17,2022
    Bobby Ingersoll is 82 years young and has been Judging Reined Cow Horse events for years.  He has shown over 900 horses - read that again - 900 horses!  Bobby is a walking encyclopedia of working reined cow horses and enjoys sharing his knowledge with anyone interested in listening and learning.
    Enjoy this 2 hour unedited virtual session with one of the greatest Reined Cow Horse Trainers of all time!
    Watch a preview of this session:
  • Bryan Neubert joined me on May 25, 2022 and we visited  about the horseman who have shaped us into the horsemen we are today.  This was  a fun virtual session with 2 hours of stories! Watch a preview of this session:
  • Nick Dowers joined me Tuesday night Nov 15, 2022 for an evening of understanding the why, how, and who influenced Nick to rise to the top of the game in an arena that wasn’t always about a willing horse at a high performance level, just as long as the horse went through the motions they could win. Personally this is what I’ve always wanted to see, the kind of horsemanship that didn’t resort to gimmicks and shortcuts to make a top horse. I’ve seen it done in the past watching Ray Hunt, Bill Van Norman, and a handful of others. It inspired me. I’ve experienced a taste of it enough to be convinced it can be done this way. Nick is proving it to everyone that there is a difference. ~ Martin Black This is a 2 hour session. Who and what helped Nick to get started? What does Nick credit for his success in such a short time? How does Nick’s 2yr old program help his show horses? How does the ranch work and open desert fit into Nick’s program? Watch a preview of this session:
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